Finally, today has arrived! The day I've been waiting for..Than-Ong is here!!!! Yeah!!
I went to pick him up at JKF airport. Because of Hurricane Ike, it rained all the way so it wasn't easy to get there at all but I was more than happy to do so because I was going to pick up Than-Ong!!
I had to run to many places before I got him - cargo area, custom office, then cargo area again and then..da da was time to meet Than-Ong after i got there 2 hours earlier!!! He was soooo excited when he first saw me. He made his sound like " why did you leave me alone for so long? I was scared! now get me out of here!!" I couldn't take him out of his crate though. So i just said hi, fed him and cleaned him up. Then we both went to the closest terminal to get a cab home.
Now we are both home safe and sound. Too bad it's raining still so he can't go walk outside for too long and hasn't had a chance to see the neighborhood yet. But he will have so much more time to do that and mingle with other dogs. Oh ! and I plan to put him in a Halloween competition too! I bet he's going to win with his tongue hanging out like that! Even my roommate confirms that she has never seen any dog that has a tongue that hangs out like his. She tried to put it back in his mouth but she failed. Hahaha
I took some pictures with him and now he's jet-lagged and tired so he slept already. I'm so happy he's here accompanying me. I'm no longer lonely! Yeah!!!

Saiyai,mom and dad agree that you will bring Than-Ong to compete for the Halloween party. He failed on the real show!! but this time,it's for ugly dog. I'm sure Than-Ong will win!!! HAHAHA
Hahaha!! LOL that was funny Pee Joom!! In fact Than Ong doesn't have to wear a costume, he can scare them right away!! Trick or Treats?!! =) (just joking)
I'am happy you finally had your reunion with your best buddy!! He'll keep you company while you're away from home...
Have fun meeting new doggie friends in NYC Than Ong!! =)
Hugs to you dear Saiyai!
Haha Thank you Lala :) I'm sure he'll have a good time here. I'll keep you posted if he wins the competition or not :)
Sai Yai and Than Ong look very happy now..I think there will be no more sadness for either of you. I am glad he made is safe. I can't wait to see his costume..
Congratulations on the arrival of your new room-mate, Than-Ong!!
Now, you really look happy with that big smile!! Than-Ong will supervise your studies. He looks like he also will eat any cookies or chips you leave around the room. I think he is adorable.
oh that ugly tongue will defenitely get him through the finals.. i'm pretty sure :)
Congrats on Than-Ong's safe arrival into the "BIG APPLE".
Can hardly wait to meet him soon. It is amazing what a little fur buddy brings to the heart. See you both soon.... Michelle
PS... the pictures are adorable! I hope you are comming to our halloween party in New York
Saiyai! Oh no! It's too late to warn you! There is a monster in the pictures with you! Be careful! It looks like it is part Pug, part mutant! 555
What a beautiful, ugly dog! I miss him!
Dear Diana, Thank you. He doesn't only "look like" he is a type of dogs that will eat my chips but he IS that type. I left him alone at home today when I went to school. I got home and found out he opened the food bag by himself and ate it!!
Dear Michelle, Thank you for your comment. Than-Ong and I are looking forward to see you too. Cant wait to see you in NYC!!
Ua!! I know he's going to win cuz he's so adorable!! eieie :P
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