Eve delivered yesterday , 2 days before the due date. There was a white boy, the only one from the litter. He was handsome but breathless. I didn't know what happened. Eve licked her boy' s body just like a good mother , without knowing that her kid was gone already. That image draws tears from me and the maids.
This is very sad

That is too bad, Joom .
I feel sorry for you ,and Eve.
These things do happen, to all of who are breeders, though.
try again next time.
What a shame. Poor little mother Eve, only one baby and losing it. Don't worry, Joom, Eve is young and there will be other litters.
But I am so sorry for this loss. Be sure to entertain Eve, pet her a lot and tell her she is a good girl. It will help her overcome her grief.
Oh Joom I am so sad to hear of poor Eve and her baby. That saddens us all! I can't believe only having one she went early but something must have been wrong. Eve Is such a good mother. She will be so sad. You and I take the loss of our puppies so hard. I feel so bad for you. I hope it works out better next time.
Thank you friends,for supportng Eve and me. Eve is a nanny of Tana's babies because Tana likes flirting nor feeding or grooming her own babies. Eve has become very protective to Tana's babies. And Tana has turned back to be a young flirting girl again.
Friendly hugs to you.. I am sorry for your loss and grief...is this Eve's first time having puppies?
Sometimes this happens..especially if it was a first litter for her..but it is none the less hard to deal with a loss of a life.
My thoughts are with you are we wake up in America and you get ready for bed.
Give Eve lots of love and I think its fantasitic she can help out with Tana's babies
Dear Michelle, Eve had 2 litters when she was in the US with her breeder.Her babies are gorgeous. She is a great mom,as the breeder told me and now I see she has taken over Tana's babies.
I am so sorry to hear that. Maybe her body was just tired from her other litters and needed a rest. Maybe her delivery was too long...with only one puppy sometimes they can't get them out in time. It is just hard to say.
She is a young girl so I would keep her slimmed down. If you breed every heat cycle I would definitely add to their diet a product that feeds the reproductive system. I know of a company that makes it but not sure you can deliver it to Thailand.
So don't worry dear Joom. I know you feel bad and Eve is heart broken as she is a great mom. But it will do her body good to just heal up and get ready for the next. She has had a lot of stresses in the past few months...leaving here, going to you and adjusting, showing some more, being on a diet, and then having another litter... As I say, that is enough for any little body to handle
Next litter she will have more I am sure...altho 3 each litter is all she had here but those were one time breedings.
Anyway, chin up. I think Eve needed a break and a rest and will do good for you next time. Love Gayle I sure miss my Eve. Her boy Murray has shows this weekend so praying he starts doing some winning soon...he is just like his mom.
เสียใจด้วยค่ะพี่จุ๋ม หนูก็รอดูอัพเดทอยู่ทุกวันเลย
ไม่เป็นไรค่ะ ครั้งหน้าหนูอีฟสู้ๆ
ดูแล้วก้อสงสารอีฟด้วย คงคิดถึงลูกชายมาก
อ้อ..หนูตั้งชื่อน้อง kobe แล้วนะคะ
เด๋วหนูส่งเมลล์ไปให้ค่ะ เสียใจด้วยอีกครั้งค่ะ..
Dear Joom!
We just opend our email after a long day, to find out that your Eve lost her only baby! We are so sorry for you and for Eve, this is so sad, it made me cry.I know we have similar experiances all breeders, from all over the world and it is just so sad. Mine and Peters hearts goes out to you and also to the maids. We are so sorry for the loss.
Love Ellika And Peter
I am so so sorry....
What a sad thing when you were so excited and so looking forward to her puppies.... =o(
A big hug from Me to You....
and kisses to Eve.
I am sure Eve will recover soon when she has your love.=o)
หนูนัท ขอบคุณมากนะจ๊ะ ยังไม่หายเสียใจเลย สงสาร Eve เพราะเขาเลี้ยงลูกเก่ง พี่ตั้งใจมั่นว่าจะเก็บลูกให้เขาสักตัว ดูซิ ไม่มีใครได้เลย เศร้า.. แต่ Eve ดีขึ้นเพราะเขาได้เลี้ยงลูก Tana 2 ตัว ส่วน Tana ตอนแรกซ๋า ไม่อยากเลี้ยงลูก แต่พอถูกแย่งไปให้ Eve ก็กลับหวง ร้องเรียกหาลูก ก็เลยต้องเอากลับมาให้เจ้าหล่อนเลี้ยง 2 ตัว ตอนนี้เหมือนกับมีศึกแย่งลูกน้อยๆอยู่ในบ้านเลย
Ellika & Pter & Carina ,my dear friends,it's very nice and warm to know that I have friends that care.
Eve is quite OK now because she has Tana's babies to take care of.
Dear Mrs. Joom,
I am so sorry to hear this horrible news! We send Eve and you many hugs!
I hope this coming new day you feel better.
Roxana and family
Dear Roxana, Eve and I are feeling better.Thank you so much. We send kisses & hugs to you and your family as well.
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