This is the ad that I put in some local magazines in January 2009, to present his title of the Thailand's number one smooth coat chihuahua of the year 2008. And ofcourse,to thank all his fan club around the word.
What I wrote in the ad was:
Am.Th.Ch. Marlisa's Dancin Away Baron
No.1 Chihuahua Smoth Coat of Thailand,2008
(Limited showing April-November 2008)
Loved and Owned by Mrs.Yupayao Sakawee and family
Heartful thanks to Matt Nicosia for letting us have Baron.
We're grateful to Erika Lanasa , Kenneth M.Saeng
Who love , trained and finished Baron as a great Ameican Champion.
Thank you Mr.Prayoon Wichakanawut
Who trained , showed and finished Baron as the title of the No.1
smooth coat chihuahua of Thailand 2008.
Thank you to the many judges
who have found Baron to be the best!
Thank you to the great fan club of Baron
for supporting our handsome boy , all these time.
You had left out one line in Baron add.. (LOL0 hahah
Michelle Brislin his # 1 fan
Love to Baron...
Hi Michelle, everybody knows you're the #1 fan of Baron.
hehehee.. umm 'YES' that one can be etched in stone.
~ That Face
~ Those Eyes
~ That Head
~ That body
Whats not to love
Kisses to Baron and love to you
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