Like I said, Baron didn't win any award but I was proud of him and
waiting for the day he returns home. Baron looked tired and happy to
be home. Once he got home, he came to cuddle me and lick Tommy - they
lick each other dearly. It seemed like they miss one another so much.
These 2 dogs are so close and never harm each other like normal male
dogs. ( Tommy's never harmed anyone,anyway. He's so sweet that I was wondering if
he's Gay!Oh !but look at his puppies at the puppies page,you'll know he's not gay but a real charming guy,LOL)
Although Baron didn't win anything but I'm happy that some of the dogs
from Thailand won. For example, Th.Ch.Woodstock UN.,Ltd Woodnote Symphony,a gorgeous pug owns by Mr.Siravit Sitprija,which got Best of Breed awarded. And Am.Can.Th.Ind.Ch.Starlight's My Sweet Dream "Predo" a welknown pomeranian owns by Starlight's Pom,Thailand won Resered Third in Show.
Meanwhile, I've received good news from my friends that brought their
dogs to show in Chihuahua Club of America National Specialty,Chicago and won the awards like
Erika Lanasa,my good friend and my favourite breeder and handler brought her Parloma Blanka there and won Best of Variety Long Coat.
Parloma's full name is CH Will-CM Paloma Blanca Owners: Ronald W. Readmond, Erika Lanasa, Kenny Saenz
Also Gayle and Ivy ,the 2 sisters at Larmars got some rewards from the show that I'm so happy with.Gayle wrote that"I just wanted to tell Eve(she means my Eve) that her son Murray made her proud at the Chihuahua Club of America Specialty Show this weekend in Chicago. He won 4th place in the 6-9 month old puppy class. There were 12 male puppies in with him and for him to have placed in his first show and at the National Specialty was an outstanding win. We are so proud of him. One of Ivy's Beep sons placed 4th in the puppy sweepstakes on Friday also.
I'm happy for Gayle and Ivy. I know your dogs are special and you've worked hard with them,so you deserve this.I also told Eve about her son's winning.
And Erika, I know you win almost all times that you may feel normal but
please allow me to congratulate you with all my excitement as if I'd
won it myself.!!!!
Turn back to my Baon.Today, Baron came to my office with me, Tommy and Eve. I looked at Baron and just like other exhibitors in the world who look at their
dogs lovingly and never seen any flaws, I was wondering to myself, how
could he get overlooked. LOL
Pictures taken at my office today.

Now you know you are going to have a comment by me hahahahhahah
Baron is a winner no matter what shows you put him in! He is also a winner to have a family like yours to truly love him.
If I could crawl through my computer screen I would to give that dog a kiss.. I am now Aunt Michelle to Baron (LOL)..
Give my #1 favorite boy in the world a kiss!!
Hi Aunt Michelle,Baron put big kisses with lots of love to you here.
Don'imagine to crawl through the computer screen .It's too hard!!! Booking a ticket and fly here with Saiyai and Diana is easier,trust me(Baron)
I miss you!!!
For me, Baron is always a winner in my heart. A certified hunk. Dreamboy of all the dream girls. A true darling.
Aunt michelle is right, He's also a winner to have a family like yours.
Hugs and kisses to Baron and the gang.
Jasper =)
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