Of course, what makes me happy the most is that my daughter got to meet Michelle, a good friend that we love, in-person.
Saiyai was very happy to be there and she was extremely excited to see Michelle. On the other hand, Michelle said that she was very happy to meet Saiyai in person, too. It seems that they really like each other. How happy I am to know that!
Thank you again, Michelle, for inviting and sharing a good time with Saiyai.
ThanOng, while waiting to enter the event. It seems like Saiyai is not afraid ThanOng will get lost at all. She is pretty sure that if he is lost the lost and found people would not have a hard time looking for him. It would be easy to just say that he's a dog with wrinkled face and tongue that can't be kept in his mouth!
Skyler flew from Chicago to join.He was holding"Amour",Michelle's gorgeous female chi.
Saiyai and Than-Ong
Michelle with her 3 beautiful and beloved chis.
Michelle & Saiyai at thier first met in persons.Saiyai was holding Amour.
Was a true pleasure to meet Saiyai, she is truely a beautiful girl inside and out... we had very nice talks about Thailand ans Skler talks so wonderful of your family and how everyone helps out with the dogs... that in itself is impressive...
Skyler is very respectful to the animals and must say protective of Ong.
I hope you know...the clothing I was wearing is not my everyday clothing...hahahah we were dressed for the party in Halloween costumes. I went as a pirate and my long coat Ozzie went as a matching pirate, and entered the mommy and me category. Although we didnt win...we certainly had so much fun.
Hoping Saiyai and I have many more outings together.
All I want to know is how come Saiyai and Michelle are out there going to parties and looking pretty and all I ever get to do is clean and wash the Chihuahua mess!!
No, seriously, you girls look fabulous and Skyler is such a cute guy!!
I think you girls need a chaperone and I will apply for that position.
We are going to a Halloween party on the 21st but people don't dress up, just the dogs. Last year we did not win, I took a brindle chihuahua dressed as a Cavewoman, with a necklace of fake teeth and a tiger print skirt.
But it's all about having fun, yes?
Dear Michelle,
Besides the fact that we like to help dogs, did skyler told you he and Kawee went to protest China about violenting Tibetan monks? That was when the Olympic torch came to Thailand, he was working at the UN, Thailand and Kawee was getting ready to go study in Candana. There was a Canadian TV interview Kawee as well. Some of my friend heard about it and alomost got a heart attact because they were worried Kawee and Sky would get in danger. But I believed it is one way to show the right and freedom.
Saiyai, herself, once took Than-Ong and some other dogs hanging a sign "Get Out" to protest the ex Prime Minister. (You might have heard some of these stories already)
If a pirate is as beautiful as you, no one would afraid of pirates.
Dear Diana,
Pleae don't forget to share the pics of dogs haloween party.We'd love to see. We don't have such a nice party for dogs in Thailand.
Michelle, it was a real pleasure meeting you :)
Diana, I hope your dog wins this year but yes, it is all about the fun you (and you dogs) have! I really hope to see you in person soon as well :)
hahahah I clean lots of mess..you have no idea hahah...I go to parties and come home to clean that mess...
But I always say.."yes" dog can train for show and be show dog...that does not mean you can't have fun with your dog...especially me...they are part of family... AND AS I'M SEEING WITH SOME OF YOU..
I allow everyone to pet my dogs..yes the show dogs... (LOL)
THEY NEED TO be touched...thats what socialization is all about.
Saiyai...now you know why my chihuahuas dont shake... hahahah
THEY PARTY TO MUCH!!!! hahahah
"It is not only buisness" as Joom would say" FAMILY FAMILY
ok.. joom had no idea about your children and the protesting..and Skyler never mentioned.... but will say this...it takes strong person to stand tall for what they believe....a very strong person..
And let me say this beauty is only skin deep... it whats inside that counts.. but thank you Joom for your comments
Diana good luck with your costume party...and yes send the pictures...
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