They look happy and the weather seems good in NYC
Saiyai tried to take a picture from Ong's back side to avoid seeing his tongue out of his mouth. Unfortunately, we can see it. Sorry Saiyai.
Saiyai loves every breed that has a wrinkled face and breathes heavily. She met this lovely bulldog at the park.
Saiyai is getting pretty each day. I will put some wrinkles on my face so she would love me too. LOL!
Hello Saiyai!!
It looks like you and Mr. Ong love Central Park... before you go away on your winter recess, please write me and give me your street address in NY, complete with apartment number...I need to mail you something before you leave, some dog magazines & stuff for your mom. And I can't find your other e-mail address, I must have wiped it out accidentally.
My e-mail address:
Also, I wonder if you know yet about the fashion district in NY? No, it's not 5th avenue, it's where those clothes come discount prices!
Well, write to me very very soon.
dear diana,
I'll email you my address soon and yes I've heard about fashion distrinct but I did not have time to go there yet.
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