เด็กคนนี้อยู่ Netherland ค่ะ อายุ 8 ขวบ เป็นครอบครัวที่เลี้ยงชิวาวา Tobias อายุ 8 ขวบ มีความพิการทางสมองอยู่แล้วจากอุบัติเหตุทางการแพทย์เมื่อแรกเกิด มาโดนรถชนซ้ำเมื่อเร็วๆนี้ และต้องนอนป่วยด้วยอาการที่หนักกว่าเดิม แต่เจ้าชิวาว่าน้อยของเขาดูท่าทางจะไม่รู้ว่าเจ้านายเป็นอะไร เลยเข้ามาหลับเป็นเพื่อน เป็นอย่างนี้...ทุกวันค่ะ
I have a friend in Netherland,name Sylvia Kievit.Sylvia and her husband,Martin,have bred Sphynx cat for long time and they're very famouse there.Martin and Sylvia has started with chihuahuas recently. They have a son name Tobias,8 years old.Tobias is the lovely boy in the upper picture, and here's the short story of him...
Tobias is 8 years old. When he was born, there was a mistake in the
anesthesia process, which made the oxygen couldn't go to his brain
enough. He grew up with an abnormal brain. His development is
"younger" than his actual age. But he is loved. He loves things around
him - his mom, his dad, cats and chihuahuas. He goes to a school for
special needs children. This family seems as happy as it could be..
But...recently, he was hit by a car. He was injured and stayed in a
hospital for many days. His condition gets worse - both body and brain.
His mom said that he originally couldn't help himself much. He barely
walks and feed by mom when he eats. He has a headache often and sleep
most of the time. That might be the way his injured body heals by
"sleeping". When he sleeps, his chihuahua goes to sleep with him.
Sylvia told me that this is an image of what happens in her house, on
her son bed, everyday. Sylvia is tired, sad and hurt the way parents
would understand without any explaination.
I would like to ask all my friends to pray for your holy in your
religion to give a miracle for this family.
There are many other tragic stories in this world but..look at him.
He's lovely, bright and shouldn't he have a better condition? At
least, I hope he can come back to laugh, playful and able to hug his
parents and his pet once again.
My prayers are with him and his family... I understand what it feels like, must be really hard for them especially for Torbias' parents. I pray that he will be well and up happy again. God bless his heart. Lala.
What a lovely boy, with his Chihuahua.
His story is more than sad, though. When terrible things happen to adults, I think: it was their "karma" for this to happen to them.
But when something like this happens to an innocent child, and many, many children like him, I have no way of understanding or justifying this within the context of organized religion.
Mothers, in desperation, will pray to their God to spare their child. It seems that even before our children are born, we are always praying for them silently, sometimes even in our sleep.
Thank you, Joom, for sending out this message. I have taken on a form of "ancestor worship" that seems to really work for me, and will ask for help for this child and his grieving parents.
Thank goodness the boy is surrounded by love, including that of his little dog.
i can't imagine how difficult it must be to go through as much as torbias has, especially at such a young age. my heart truly goes out to him and his family.
Yes Mrs Yupayao , so sad right ? I really hope he can be better soon , thanks for sharing , Javier .
Dear Joom,
How sad that this little boy is so disabled. Having contact with dogs and
even other animals is very good for children and adults with disabilities.
In America they train some dogs to be "therapy dogs" for elderly and
ill people, it makes them much happier.
As we unfortunately know, many people can be cruel, wicked and
evil. Dogs are always innocent of all sins, they have pure.
This is a note from Sylvia:
thanks.i did cry a little bit when i read the story on your site.it's very good written.tomorrow is his Birthday:-)tomorrow he is 9 years.his name is Tobias, you did write torbias:-)gr sylvia
Sorry for wrong writing his name. I rewrote it already.
Please give hugs and kisses to him for us,on his birthday. Big hugs to you too,Sylvia
I’ve always thought chihuahuas would make great therapy dogs because they are portable, natural lap dogs and have entertaining personalities. They could easily share a patient’s bed and sit on the laps of children or very weak patients.
I will pray for his fast recovery.
Our Hearts goes out to your friend Sylvia and her Beautiful little boy Tobias, we will pray for his recovery and wish him a very great birthday!
And what a cute little Chihuahua friend he has!
Peter and Ellika
I pray for his recovery and in in my thoughts.
Tell her God Bless and pray to Blessed Mother, well we do in our religion not sure her beliefs but what ever the belief..prayer is the cure all....
I want to thank you al for your
notify's on Jooms blog.
yes i am a believer but no i don't now why this is happening with my soon and i only can pray that he is getting soon better.
Sometimes God had a reason to do some things so i hoop it's al comes good with tobias.
greetings sylvia
That is So sad. I hate that kids have to go thru something so horrible. He will be in my prayers and I hope he pulls thru. I couldn't imagine the pain the parents are going thru. No one deserves to go thru all that. Your friend and there son are in my prayers.
What a joy our Chihuahuas bring us, EVERYDAY!!
we continue to pray..
I will make a special trip into our chapel today at my work and say extra prayers.
I sincerely wish Tobias to get well, be healthy and to be able to enjoy life as normal kids do. I understand how hard it would be for his mom seeing his lovely child in this situation. Please send my deepest sympathy to her for me.
As his mom said tomorrow is his birthaday,I wish holy gives him an exelence opportunity to feel very happy on his first dateof 9th year.Start being happy right now,Tobias!!
what a story... i was touched to see the love of both the dog and the boy...
Tobias,if you have karma with you from birth,I'll pray for you to deleat the karma and find happiness from now on.
oh Joom, this breaks my heart, no parent should ever have to go through this, My family and I are praying hard for a great recovery and that his parents will be able to hold their boy again.
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