She said " My chis are my family. I never had children - they are my babies. I would never trade them for all of the money in the world. Recently I moved to a new house. Some people were surprised I brought all of my chis with me. How could they be? Would they leave a child behind? "
I wonder if there are many abandoned chihuahuas in this world? Aren't they too tiny,too sweet,too innocent to be abandoned?
Not every abandoned dogs will get an adoption.Eventhogh they have a new home,bad experiences will stay with them for long. Sue also talked about bad experinced of one of her chis.
My little fluffy boy Yoda was severely abused. When I got him he was very traumatized and would not allow me to touch him. He was nearly starved to death. For three months he would try to bite me if I tried to give him any kind of affection. He hid in a pet bed in my kitchen. When he finally ventured out of his hiding place to join us, he would nip if I made a sudden movement. He had no idea what toys were and if I tried to play with him he'd run and hide. Even after he let me touch him, if I tried to move him while he was sleeping he snap or nip. It took almost a year, but now he is the sweetest, most loyal little boy. He allows me to clean his eyes, cut his nails, even put him on his back while I brush him. When I give him a bath I massage him from head to toe
And you know, one of Sue's Baby Gizzie won a spot as November in Chihuahua Connection's 2009 calendar. Here is the link. She is the little baby in the striped sweater and hat:
Sue wrote to me that :Before this, I'd never won a contest in my life. I am so proud of her!!

Wolf in Fleece

Hey Gizzie



Awww what a sweet person to take in these babies and there are some beautiful babies there also. I admire people who have a big heart and care about helping in this world.
Thanks for sharing this story Joom.
Hey Joom,
As you've known,I do lots of rescue, I have 3 in the kennel right now. I try to place them in new homes. We have placed many of the rescued babies successfully. It always feels good to save a fur baby. That was a nice story!
Very touching history! Chihuahua - a surprising and fine essence!! This small собачка is capable to change all life. I very much respect with people which love and care of this divine creation. Joom, you surprising and very kind person!!! Thanks you, for the love and care to people and animals.
Unfortunitly, you see a lot of left behind chihuahuas here in US.
It is a pleasure to read Sue's story and the love she has for all her chihuahuas. What a great acomplishment she made with her one chihuahua whom she now can bath and cut nails. Congrats on your photo win!!
As you know I have done benefits for shelters here in Pennsylvania to help raise money for the animals stuck in cages waiting for their new mom and dad to hopefully come for them. It is heart breaking.
This past week, there was a story on our local news of a women whos home was raided for having 30 some dogs living in deplorable conditions. Skin infections, fleas, starving, legs broke.
I instantly got sick to my stomache. She claims she was trying to give them all home...but she couldnt keep up with vet bills.
Here's my thoughts... if we can get rid of every back yard breeder in this world, puppy mills..we all know this problem would not exist...but sad to say I see people here in the United States that are show people and still breed breed breed... not sure if the problem will ever be corrected.
Sue..again...your are an angel for being the best mom to the chi chi's.
I am a mother of two human children, and my chi's are all considered part of my a matter of fact...all have their costumes and are waiting to go trick or treating with mu kids (LOL)
Of course our dogs are part of our family...yet on the television animal police programs, you see how easily families move from one town to another and leave their pets behind in the yard, with no water and no food wondering where did their human family go.
Those people are lower than the lowest animal.
It's so disgusting.
Unfortunately in America there are thousands of abandoned dogs
including Chihuahuas and pedigreed dogs. Especially now when
the economy is so bad, people whose homes have been foreclosed
are also abandoning their pets. It is very sad. Sometimes by the
time the real estate agents or police come to abandoned houses
they find dogs in the basements starved to death.
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