My friend,Diana saw these pictures last night and she wrote to me that "WAAAUUUUU!!!! You want to give me a heart attack, or what???? They are growing up to be beauty queens!!!!! I want to kiss them all over!!! They must feel like soft balls of cotton!!! I don't know which is the prettiest, hard to say. You are killing me!!!
Saiyai's "malee",the Princess of Heart.Her call name is "Malee"which means "Flower"
Saiyai's Siam Ruby.Her call name is "Tubtim" which means "Ruby"
Saiyai's Thai Silk.We call her "Mai Thai" and the meaning is"Thai silk"
At this moment,I'm waiting for Baron who is coming back from the Euro Show 2008 in Hungary.The plane is landing at the airpot.Baron didn't get any reward but I'm still proud of him and the handler.Big hugs and kisses (and biscuit)are waiting for him at home.
I have to agree I am having a heart attack. LOL I love that black tri girl, she is a beauty but then again they all are. OMG I love them all Ruby looks like a little fox. How adorable are they
Thanks Kandra,
Big kisses to you!!!
I keep on looking at all three, and can't decide which I like best.
Mai Thai has an incredible combination of adorable face and body. Even her little belly is cute. I can tell she was born for greatness.
Tubtim is gorgeous as well. Looks like she will be red, which is a lucky color. She has an adorable nose. I agree with Kandra, she does look like a little fox. She looks intelligent and cuddly. Just what one dreams of in a Chihuahua!!
And the little Princess of Hearts...she is cute little round snowball and looks like she is posing for a magazine cover already. She looks like she is flirting! With her great coloring and bloodlines, this little snow princess will give many people heart attacks!
They all have the same excellent bloodline, so one thing's for sure: someday, they will make beautiful puppies.
After they wipe out the competition in the show ring!!!
Dear Diana,
I love your comment sooooooo much!!
Really would love you to visit them here.!!!
Come with Saiyai,OK???!!!
Hello, Tha black/tan puppie was just beautiful. They all were, but her especially!!:-)
Greetings from Sweden
i strongly agree with you my friend. they are all perfect. all of them are to die for. can i have all of them?... just kidding... but half meant. =)
wow..they are all precious...but must say my favorite is the black tri as well..... she is a knock out.
I love her ears (LOL)
Diana..before you make the trip to thailand,,, you'll have to make the stop in Pennsylvania to pick up me to come..hahahahah...
Kiss the babies for me!
WOW Everyone is right they are ALL A dream to me. The black tri is marked so nicely!!! I would be VERY Proud!!
Thank you so much to a friend from Sweden.
Hi Jasper, I always have you be aroud!! Thank you.
Hey Diana, you've got a companion in Pennsylvania,so please stop to pick Michelle and come strait to Thailand together.It will be the biggest gift for me ,if you both come visit us here.Not hahaha this time,Im serious!!!
Hi Selena, Thank you so much. I like the compliment to my dogs and I always agree!!! LOL
Pee Joom!! They're real cuties!!!!
So adorable furbabies!! =)
And oh, their names matches their personality too.. Real gem!!
Such adorable faces! I just love them all, give them all a big smooch from me. =)
Krystal S
Hey Michelle...traveling together would be fun. We could plan how many puppies we could steal from Joom and sneak by Immigration. I will put my puppy underneath a maternity dress and Immigration will think I'm pregnant.
Seriously, eventually we must plan a trip to visit Joom (not to steal). If we pick up her daughter in NY, we will have instant translator! And so much fun! But by the time we arrive in Bangkok airport, Saiyai will be so tired of us!! That's what my daughter says.
Michelle, you live in Pennsylvania and I am thinking of moving to Asheville, N.C. Are you familiar with this area? NC is closer to all the dog shows in the East.
Talk to you all soon,
Diana~ one day will make the trip that is for sure :o) My love is with her Baron...he gets my first kiss... but Joom already knows that...
As far as North Carolina..not that familar.. only been through in passing going to Florida :o)
I know in the state of Pennsylvania, actually the tri-states.. and as far conneticut has an loads of shows.
My handler who shows a few of my dogs can stay busy year round with shows it's incredible. The next biggest show locally is The Greater Philadelphia Kennel Club show which gets filmed by NBC and aired Thanksgiving day around noon!
I'm sure Palmoma ~ Erika's amazing long coat will be shown that day.
Gosh this dog is a site to see in person. I got to see her at Westminster earlier this year...and
WOW.... WHAT A SIGHT... and of course she one.
Unfortunitly, I must have passed her in the benched area as I was was grooling over Gail's smooth coat from CeeGee's...hahahah
ok I can go on and on talking Joom will tell you hahaha.
you can email personally anytime!
this blog is getting exciting each day. chihuahua lovers meet here for exchange of words and ideas.
i love this blog.
more power!
Thank you Michelle for giving me your e-mail you are having one of your dogs show at the Thanksgiving event?
By the way, you can ask Joom which is my favorite dog...she will tell you it's BARON!! So we are the Baron Fan Club.
My e-mail address (the one I use the most) is
Take a look at my website, I have a new champion (I just received her show photos) and I am hysterically and ridiculously happy.
Every night, I sit down on the sofa and soon I am covered by my chihuahuas from my neck down to my feet, so you can't see my body. I turn on the t.v. news, and all of it is so bad, about the economy, etc. and then I remember that I have a dental appointment tomorrow, which is frightening to me, and my chihuahuas sense my tense fear and start a queque to lick my face, my forehead, and by the time the last one gets to my face, I am all relaxed and forgot what I was so worried about.
Goodnight to everyone, and you too, Saiyai, I saw your photos and you look like a Vogue model sitting there with your model friends. Be careful in NYC and go out with your friends, not alone. You are growing up very fast!
Diana,when I read you've got your Lana's new photoes of her championship,I qickly searced at your site and your blog to see.
OMG you haven't update them yet.!!!! Come on...we 'd love to see Lana's on the podium of "new Champion" !!!
Good luck with dental appoitment tomorrow.It's not scarry at all,trust me (or trust your dentist).
Dear Diana, It was a brilliant idea to go visit my mom. Or even better, convince her to come here so we all can meet her at the same time..
Michelle, I have 2 research papers due on October 15 and 18 but I'll try my best to go join the dog event. I would love to see you!!!
Let's get mom to come to the states!!! That would be wonderful. Christmas is sure beautiful in New YORK city.
Diana...I am not doing the show thansgiving ... it is a benched show ;O( not a big fan of these shows at the moment... when i get my specials dog will consider..
wink wink..
oh my good!
Mai Thai is something of the most beautiful puppie I have ever seen... I'm In LOVE! send her to Norway Yupayao :)
nice blog by the way... I'll ceep an eye non it, and exiting to read about the life in a kennel from the other side of the world :)
keep up the god work.
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