The name of the magazine is
hopefully she will make little Tommie Junior a star once he arrives home at Brislin and lives happily with his family and mom Michelle ;O)
Today is Ozzie's day.
Enjoy the pictures!!!

Dear Michelle,
As i told you in the email before, they are super duper cute!!!!!
ThanOng and I look fwd to hangout with you and your doggies again!!!
Take care :)
Congratulations, Michelle!!
I had no idea you owned a supermodel! I saw the regular-size photos on the magazine, Joom sent me a link to it. Awesome!
This is more good exposure for the breed, as more and more people see how adorable and beautiful they are.
Have you ever considered making a calendar? I am thinking of doing that, my daughter made me a calendar last year on the internet, and she used already-existing photos of my dogs but placed them on funny backgrounds and put clothes and hats on them, using virtual tools on the net.
What a surprise, when I opened her gift last Christmas! My mother could not believe this!
Michelle, I can't belive Diana talking about making a calendar to you!!!!!
Tell her urgent what we had talked about!!!
GEEE!!! I'm exited.
Congrats Michelle AND Ozzie!
He's a great looking dog and has a great 'mom'!
Thank you for all your kind words....
we are so proud of all our babies both in and out of the ring.
When the catalog came in the mail yesterday and we opened it...we had at least 6 pictures of his posing in this catalog... some in girls dresses...which we all know he is a boy...but we wont hurt his feeling by telling him he wearing a dress...hahhaah
I am hoping to make my Tommie Jr. a lITTLE STAR...once he arrives...
HE has perfect coloring for photos...
But our first goal is to get him in the ring :o)
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